
How much do Fire Bellied Frogs cost? ?

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  1. i Have two and purchased them from petco they cost about $5-$6 for one

  2. depends on species

    oriental fire belly toad (the most common in pet stores) $5

    Giant Fire Belly Toad $30

    European Fire Belly Toad $10

    there are other species but not usually seen in the pet trade

    P.s. your not gonna do something silly like put them in with your salamanders are u since they have a strong skin toxin that will kill almost all cage mates (making the others ill) and are aggressive and will try and eat anything they are kept with.


  3. well it depends are you getting a big one or small ones that stay small i have three small one that cost about 7 dollars but they are small and are not going to crown any bigger and if you want a big one i  am not sure how much they cost  

  4. very cheap i used to have one, jut bring like 20 bucks to the pet store and check them out, ull prob come out with at least 15 dollars

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