
How much do Google and Yahoo pay their workers?

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I'm thinking about going into computer software engineering and working for google, microsoft, yahoo or any company, just wondering how much do they pay their workers?

and how hard is it to get the job?




  1. It depends on how often people "click" on them!

  2. That's a tricky question. My husband was pursued by both Microsoft and Google before accepting the offer from Google. He has a lot of experience, so he is not making your average software engineer salary - but I think Microsoft, Google, and Yahoo are relatively competitive for entry level work.

    I can't say how much my husband makes, but I was able to quit my job as a pilot and stay home without worrying about going back to work again... even though we are 25 years away from retirement.

    Google is the best company to work for in the world. Their benefits are incredible, even the ones most people don't know about are just fantastic.

  3. kind of like $3500 to $4500 per month

  4. Check out career cruising. Look up their field and they will give you information about schools you should attend to work there, money, locations and much more. This website is really cool! It comes in really handy! Trust me!

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