
How much do I charge for baby-sitting... ?

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I need help with rates I haven't done this in awhile. I would have the little boy (5 years old) while his dad was driving a truck over the road probably 3-4 days+nights at a time. He would be sleeping here and I would be taking him to school daily. Please give me an approx of what the daily rate for this might be......

Thanks for all your help :)




  1. Well the normal sitter rate approx $25 day plus gas food etc. for after care and for nights. I'd say $10 day for gas $10 day for food and if he is good at night maybe $10 day  so around $55-65 day would be fair that's a little more than double what i pay for 8 hr daycare.

  2. $10/hr would be ridiculous...that's like $240 a day...

    Definitely have to come up with a daily rate since the # of days could change each time he's on the road. I would sa $50/day to help with food and gas for taking him to school as well as giving him a place to sleep.  

  3. If you are doing this for straight "cash", then I would say you charge at least $10 - $12 an hour.  

  4. I would call local daycares and check out their rates. Then as far as night, I would just charge a little extra. My sitter charges me $20 per day..but she has him all day. So I would probably charge about $20-25 dollars per day. which for you would be including night. Due to you not having him except before/after school, and at night. So, I would just check around. You want to make it reasonable for the parent as well.

    That way, you will always have him as a customer, and he will recommend you to other people.  

  5. My daycare where my daughter goes charges $19 a day and they provice breakfast, lunch, and a snack.  I think that is reasonable.

  6. Well, if he's going to be staying there and taking him places, I'd say no less than 50 dollars a day.

    I'm no professional or anything, but I'd be happy with 50 bucks a day for babysitting.

  7. Depends where you live too.  Where I live, daycare is only $3/hour/kid.

    You would want to charge the "average" per hour for awake hours.  Usually $20 to cover the night.  And a little extra for the food and gas.

    Thats what my sister in law does at least. :)

    Good luck!

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