
How much do I deduct from my tenant's security deposit for stains left on a new carpet?

by  |  earlier

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My tenants who just moved out of my rental house left two dark stains on the bedroom carpet which was new when they moved in. Looks like some kind of graphite. I tried to get it out with two different products but basically it's permanently stained. I am holding about $800 deposit and I'm not sure whether to just write it off as "wear and tear" or deduct some portion for permanent damage to carpet.




  1. The renter should leave the place as close to what they found it as possible. You don't mention how large they are, so I'm assuming at least 6" in diameter. Another thing - how long were they there? that's another factor. If they were there for less than a two years, keep a portion.

    Call a professional cleaning service and attempt to have it cleaned, or at least evaluated. Most places will charge 40-50$ to clean it, but take 100$ plus that as you are doing the work. If they said - "Hey ________ happened and it stained the rug" keep it civil. If they just split and said nothing about the stains (or play dumb when you ask) keep the $150 and send them packing.  I say keep at least the $150. Keep more if you needed to clean anything else.

  2. Normal wear and tear is when they are there long enough that carpet starts to wear out. Stains that won't come out, tears or burns can be charged against the security deposit. To be on the save side, I'd have a professional give it a try. If they can't get the stains out and you have proof when the carpet was bought, you can charge for it's replacement.

  3. Coldwelbanker require me to hire professional cleaning before moving out (what ever the condition of the carpet) I didn't because I didn't have the money, so the hired a cleaning company and sen me their invoice and the check for what it was left.

    pretty fair in my opinion.

    did you had a contract? what it says?

  4. You should be able to have it bleached and recolored.   I do it all of the time.   It will cost about 80 bucks.

    This is not "normal wear and tear" and he should be charged for both cleaning and redyeing of the carpet.

  5. You should call a professional carpet cleaning company and have them assess the damage. If it cannot be cleaned have them give you something in writing to that effect.

    You have the legal right to do whatever is needed to bring the carpet back to it's original condition. You cannot make deductions unless you have done the repairs.

    If cleaning is not possible, you can charge to replace the carpet. The IRS allows 7 years for carpet depreciation, so you should go with that for a lifespan.

    Of the tenants were there for 1 year, they pay 6/7 of the cost, 2 years - 5/7 and so forth.

    If the cost is higher then the deposit, send the tenant their security deposit accountng showing a balance due. If they fail to pay, file in Small Claims court.

    You should not deduct from their deposit without repairing or replacing the carpet. If the tenant disputes the charge and follows up with Small Claims, you are going to have to prove that you actually spent the amount deducted repairing the damage.

  6. Hire a professional carpet cleaner to evaluate that stain and clean it or color it if possible. If successful, deduct that cost.

    If the carpet must be replaced, figure the life of the carpet as 10 years. Since it was new, there is no deduction for previous life used, and they are liable for the full cost to replace the damage.

    Can you replace it for $800? Perhaps. You are under no obligation to save the tenant any money.

    Can you rent the place with those stains? Will that detract from your asking price?

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