
How much do Journalist generally make in one year.?

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Im thinking of being a journalist for my career in life...but i'm still undecided a little




  1. It all depends on what you want to do.

  2. How much you make will depend on several factors.

    - Do you want to report?

    - Do you want to edit?

    - Do you want work for a newspaper?

    - Do you want to work for a TV or radio station?

    How long are you willing to do entry-level work before you move up in the ranks.

    Unless you break your way into a major metropolitan newspaper or one that is unionized, you can expect to start at about 25-30K, but it really depends on where you are. You may get more if you are working for the Washington Post. But your cost of living is also much, much higher.

    No one whoever broke into journalism did it because of the money. Don't expect to get rich. The print and broadcast journalists who make A LOT of money are the ones who have been working for many, many years after suffering through a lot of crappy work. Or they happen to know the right people or get the right stories to become the journalists that are well-paid. The odds are against most young journalists for this to happen.

    If you want to be a journalist, do it becuase you believe in finding answers and sharing information. Not because you want to be rich.


    A previous journalist who left the industry because the pay sucks

  3. Hmm, for your first 10 years 25-35 K a year.

    If you get good, maybe up to 80 K a year. When you're like 50.

    If you're really good, maybe in the 100K's. But there aren't many up there.

  4. everyone else is right. this business is notorious for paying low. the people who get the big bucks are the actual celebrity anchors and talent who have serious name recognition.

    lots of people think if you work in tv or news, etc. you must get a lot of money. it is the exact opposite. People think that because 'people on tv must be rich' or something. That's a load of bs.

    You'll notice if you ever get into this biz that everyone outside the biz, and I mean everyone, has a horribly skewed, unrealistic, and flat out wrong idea on what it's like to be in the industry and how much you make.  I mean *totally* wrong on all counts.

    The people who work in this business do it because it's a fun job. It's hard to leave the biz, imo, because it is so much fun.

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