
How much do a preschool teacher make an hour in california?

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i want to become a preschool teacher but i need to know how much do they make an hour bcause i need to know if i can live with this pay. and how about kindergarten teacher





  1. My fiance is a preschool teacher.  She does not get paid enough to live on, and without my support she would be living on food stamps and low income housing credit.  She works at a private school which aparently pays more than public schools.  She makes 15.20/hour.  At 40 hrs/week that's about $600/week - gross amount...which is less than $400 take home (< $1600/month) to pay for food, rent, and other bills...definately not enough to live on where we live! (orange county, CA).

    Check out this link for a better answer:

  2. It really depends on how you live through your college/university years. Basically, the more educated you are, the more money you will get, even earning close to $100,000 a year. This is obviously more than $8 an hour, the minimum wage in California, at least.

    If you get a Master's degree, you can get $50,000+ a year easily. The higher the degree, the more money you will be paid with. This counts for P.E. teachers too, but that's out of the subject.

  3. 45k-65k a year

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