
How much do american doctors get paid in saudi arabia?

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i would like to know, the average income of an american doctor working in saudi arabia. also is it easy for them to bring their family?




  1. they probably get their income from the US it would be pretty good

  2. too much

  3. ofcourse our silly country gives double Salaries to americans

    while we are broke

  4. it's around usd 20k per month depends on d experience,the more experience the higher is the salary.

  5. Anywhere from 40,000 to 80,000 S.R./month

  6. the salary would also depend on whether u r actually american (white skin) or an eastern with american nationality. so plz clarify.

  7. exactly salary depends on your experience,age,nationallity, acheivements ,and employer .

    my brother is Dentist , and he is fresh graduate (just graduated from the university ) .

    he take around 3700$ monthly as minimum .

    while you an American citizen, you will get more than that

    so its will not be under 4000$ as worst case !

    I know saudi doctor with 10 years experience (graduated from harvard ) he takes around 34,000$ monthly .


    loooools , this is the life , what can we do ?

  8. It's hard to say unless you are a doctor here.  Also, I'm sure it depends on your specialty.  If you're a GP then I'm sure the pay is much less than a surgeon, right?  You can't just generalize and say how much do doctors get paid...  

    I'm sure the American doctors here are getting paid at least what they would make in the US (and the income is tax-free) otherwise they probably wouldn't come here, right?  Housing is sometimes included, if not, you get a housing allowance which should be enough for nice housing inside a secure compound.  Most contracts probably include airline tickets home each year.  

    Bringing your family would be easy for you.  No problem at all.  However, in some cases, the family comes after 3 months or so because the paperwork is different.

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