
How much do archaeologists get paid & can u tell me more about archaeologists?

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like how to become 1 and wta u need to no to become one, etc,etc




  1. Most archaeologists in the US work in CRM- cultural resource management.  Whenever a construction project gets government funding, they have to send the archaeologists in first.  To be on the lowest rung, a field tech, you need a bachelor's and field school.  The pay is usually around $10-$13 an hour, but it can be less or more depending on area, your experience, and whether it's a federal job or not.  You also get per diem, usually about $25 -$30 a work day, and a hotel room, because you have to travel a lot.  Go to or for an idea of what jobs are out there.  It's summer, so there's a lot, but we work through winter, too, when we can.

    I highly recommend working as a field tech for a while first, because you really get a good feel for how archaeology is done and you get really good at doing it fast.  Other jobs involve boss-person duties, and it's always good to be a peon before you start leading the peons.

    If you do decide to do anything else, you'll need a post-graduate degree.  A master's will open a lot of doors for you, depending on what it's in.  You can be a crew chief or principal investigator in a CRM firm, you can work for the government, or you can go into museum work, among other fields.  None of these are particularly high-paying (although if you have good business sense, you can make a killing starting your own CRM firm).  If you want to go into academics, you'll need a doctorate.  Again, taking time off and working as a tech is a good idea because this really isn't for everyone.  This is not a job you take because it makes you rich, and there's no sense it spending all that time and money on grad school if it's not what you want.

  2. If you really want to become one, it doesn't matter how much you get paid.

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