
How much do beginning high school chemistry teacher get paid?

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How much do beginning high school chemistry teacher get paid?




  1. Depends on the state and district within the state.  Call the administration of a district where you may consider teaching and ask them for a pay scale.  They are easy to read and self explanatory.  Most districts have these available online now.

    Good luck.  We need good teachers.

  2. Regarding salary, the subject you teach is irrelevant. All base pay is the same for all classroom teachers; first grade, P.E.,

    English sciences, etc. Some departments, like Guidance, might make more, but they earn it by working a couple of extra weeks during the school year. Teachers have salary "steps" or " years of service" increments. If a school district is desperate for physical science teachers, you may negotiate with them to hire you on "step" 2 or 3 or more.Public school  base salary depends upon the state, county, and specific school districts within that state and county. New York , for example, ranks in the top five for teachers' salaries. However, the difference in pay from the the southern tier (starting salary approx. $50K) to the rural northern section of NY State is highly significant.

    And a reminder; your pay is ultimately impacted by the LOCAL taxpayers, who get a little nervous when they perceive you as being overpaid. Also, teacher respect in many areas is in an inverse relationship to your annual salary;

    if you get my drift.

  3. Are you referring to public or private schools?  The pay and benefits will vary greatly depending on the area in which you work and the type of institution you are waiting for.

    That being said, a good general resource for this sort of question is the Bureau of Labor Statistics.  According to their sources, a beginning teacher makes about $30,000.  However the average climbs closer to the 40 - 60k range.  Another useful resource, to help understand what this income translates into, is a report from the Manhattan Institute.  They indicate that public school teachers make more, on average, than an average lawyer!

    Well, perhaps that's more information than what you wanted but I've attached both sources if you're interested in reviewing them.

  4. Depends on district policy and available funds. You might check with the American Chemical Society, which probably has an average starting salary. Less in a smaller community, but the cost of living might be lower. More in a metro area, including the suburbs. Sometimes districts finance graduate training for their teachers--possibly all the way to a master's degree, and that at times is counted in compenstation.

    Here in my high school district in suburban Chicago, in 2007

    "Starting teachers with bachelor's degrees earn about $44,000 in District 211, with high-end teachers with the most education and experience topping out at about $107,000."

    We are high, and in a high-cost area. Other states and more rural locations would probably pay less.

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