
How much do bunnies cost

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bcz i am goin to buy one




  1. i would adopt one don't buy one. adopting cost the same or less and you save a life

    about 30-45 dollers

  2. at a pet store they can be between $30-60 depending. But if you go to a site like and then they are much cheaper. The most expensive part is going to be the cage. Get a Rex or mini rex they are really soft! I have one and she is amazing. I got her from petquarters for $35

  3. Please look over for care info  

  4. Honestly it depends on where you go to buy them. If you live in the country, you may be able to find them for free in the newspaper. At a pet store, you will spend anywhere from $5.00 - $25.00 depending on what kind of bunny you are looking for, there are a lot of choices. Good luck finding that bunny!

  5. Don't let Show M scare you.  Keeping rabbits is not rocket science.  Nor are there as many restrictions as she/he stated.  If you live in the U.S., rabbits do not need ANY vaccinations.  Also, prevention is the best medicine when it comes to rabbits.  If you take proper care of your rabbit, it may never have to see a vet.  Common ailments like worms or mites can be treated at home.  You can buy meds at the feed store for very little.  If you're not sure how much to give read the label or ask your rabbit vet for the dosage.

    Just do your research and make sure your sources are reliable.  The American Rabbit Breeders Association is a good place to start.  It is the AKC of the rabbit world.  

    You have over 47 different rabbit breeds to choose from.  It is a lot like choosing a dog in that each breed has different physical characteristics, care requirements, and temperaments.

    People who say rabbits don't like to be picked up don't know how to properly handle a rabbit and can be pushed around by a 3 pound animal.  

    Any rabbit can be easily handled and like it if the person doing the handling is doing it right.  There are simple tips you can learn from an experienced rabbit owners.  Particularly ARBA members or 4H kids doing the rabbit project.  If you've ever seen kids doing a rabbit showmanship competition routine at a county fair (rabbit handling) or seen the kids in the white and green 4H uniforms, as young as 5, able to handle their relaxed rabbits just about any way they wish, you'll know what I mean.

    Most rabbits are not the skiddish, nervous wrecks that you often see in shelters or kept in a corner of someones room or backyard.

    Go to a rabbit show in your area and see what I mean.  You'll meet lots of nice people and friendly, easily handled rabbits.  You'll be able to see a lot of different beautiful breeds all in one place.  It's a lot of fun.

    You can buy a pet quality rabbit (from the same litters as future Grand Champions) for $10 - 20.  If you think you'd like to show your new pet, you can buy a show quality rabbit for about $45 - $75 depending on breed and the breeder.

    We have a lot of fun with our rabbits.  They are a lot of fun to hold, play with, and groom.  We take them to shows, public events as representatives of 4H, and petting zoos.  Some rabbits like to climb.  The breed I have and a few others are pretty good at it, too.  Our rabbits like to interact with us.  If we ignore them they demand our attention.  Rabbits can be trained just like dogs are.  Just recently, I helped my son make some jumps and we put on a rabbit hopping demo at our county fair!  My son's rabbit went over the jumps without any prior practice.  He was really enjoying the "game".

    As long as you don't mind cleaning a cage 2 - 3 times a week and learning about your new pet, rabbits can be a lot of fun.  You ought to consider joining your local 4H club and doing the rabbit project.  I think you'd like it.  You'd meet other kids with pet rabbits and you'd certainly learn a TON because 4Hers "learn by doing".

    Yeah, I guess this is a lot more info than you asked for but I couldn't help myself.

  6. heyy i am 12 years old i got my bunny in April he was 10 weeks i think he was about 40 dollars i hope i could help !!!=]

    maria ♥

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