
How much do bus boys make?

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Im looking into getting a job at a restaurant as either a bus boy or bar back. Which would get paid more? The restaurant is a very top end steakhouse in Scottsdale, AZ. The average bill for 2 people is probably around $150. How much per hour would you expect to get?




  1. bar backs make way more. you should go to a strip club. the barbacks at my club make a lot

  2. bar backs make more money. busser is a job americans wont do.

  3. They get minimum wage and a percentage of the waiter/waitress' tips.

  4. i would ask for 9 a hour

    because in scotsdale it cost a lot to live

    it depends how much experience you have and your age

  5. min wage to start, usually if you bus, the waitresses tip you. Because the better you keep their tables the more they make from the turn over of customers at the tables.

  6. IT all depends on how many servers you are bussing for and the table turn around. if the servers make bank, so will you. Many restaurants have a manditory amount of tips you must my old restaurant it was 3 percent of my total sales. Other places has been 10 percent of TIPS. the bussers who made out better were with the total sales because if I got stiffed on the tip, they still got theirs.

  7. minimum wage plus tips

  8. I used to be a barback at a restaurant in MA, not as fancy/expensive as that, though.  I made $8/hr plus 10% of their tips.  Regardless I always made at least $30/hr, if not more.  Hope that helps.

  9. At a normal restaurant, they generally make a bit over minimum wage.  In a fancy restaurant like that, maybe 10 dollars an hour(probly about 5 bucks above minimum wage, not sure what it is in AZ).

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