
How much do cats cost?

by Guest600  |  earlier

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I want a cat really badly,because I'm a quite type and i have a noisy dog. i want a kitten because there quite.My parents say can only have one pet,i love my dog{by the way shes a poodle} and i like cats i dont want to get rid of them.Like when had a puppy a black lab was too rough my dad gave him away! i still miss him badly even when it was 7 years ago. Help me decide this.




  1. Cats are cheaper to get and maintain. All they do is sleep! What more do you want? Like a breathing throw-rug in front of the fireplace

  2. people buy pedigree cats so that they may breed them. what they dont usually take into account is the huge responsibilities that this comes with. if your getting a cat, whatever the reason may be. you should get a little know how about breeding, this will help you prevent or allow your cats to breed in the near future.

    The decision to breed

    Breeding a cat should not be undertaken without a thorough understanding of what is involved. Many people get into cat breeding thinking it would be fun to have a litter of kittens to play with. Often, consideration is not given to the need to have healthy kittens that will need to be placed in good homes. Properly caring for breeding animals; care of the queen during pregnancy, queening, and after delivery care of the kittens and finding good homes for the kittens is a time-consuming and very expensive endeavor. Ask any top quality breeder, and they will tell you it takes a lot of dedication, money, and knowledge to do it right.

    Cats do not need to have a litter to be fulfilled. Spaying the female before her first heat cycle will eliminate the cycling, decrease her risk of mammary cancer as she ages, and eliminate the males coming around the house while she is in season. Even if she is used for breeding, after she has her last litter, consider spaying to prevent a future pyometra.

    On the male's side, using a pet for breeding is unwise. He will be more inclined to spray and fight. If neutered, he will be less inclined to do so. Two big benefits of neutering are the decrease in the smell of the urine and the decrease in the frequency of spraying.

    No discussion on breeding is complete without mentioning pet population control and the hundreds of thousands of cats and kittens that are euthanized each year due to the lack of homes. Remember, breeding your cat adds to the problem. Do not breed unless you own healthy animals with excellent breed characteristics, and you are very committed to these kittens preferably for their lifetime. For each home you find for your kittens, there is a kitten at the shelter being euthanized.

  3. it free as they are found every where.
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