
How much do charge to lay a block paved drive that is 70 square meters with a couple of man holes?

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How much do charge to lay a block paved drive that is 70 square meters with a couple of man holes?




  1. 25quid/sq metre

    So that's around 1750 plus materials & disposal of waste.

  2. arrr too be sure me n me brudders are in your area dis ere week,n wooldnt it beee muuch nicer too ave a bit o tarmac down dat der drive now too be sure,weev gott some leftovers from a big job weev bin doin down da road and we culd lets you ave the hole lotz for 1500 punt,and wez culd layze it fur 300punt,and just soin weel getz the job,we couldz cuts down any bushes or treez dat you wants and dumps dem in dat der industrial site down da road to be sure....

  3. 25/40 per m2

  4. £15 per square metre. that's a guess though.

    does the Q stand for Quattro?

  5. get a few quotes from reliable local people

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