
How much do commercial pilots get paid?

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I'm thinking about becoming one, and I just want to make sure I can make enough money to have a nice house, car, and can have a nice family.




  1. Becoming a pilot can eventually lead to a relatively comfortable income. Captains for major airlines make above $100,000 a year - some even more than $200,000 a year. That combined with travel benefits with a fair amount of time off can make for a great lifestyle.

    However, if you get into flying only based on the potential to earn a high income, you'll be very disappointed. In order to get hired by a major airline, pilots need to work for a number of years to gain experience. These years, usually spent instructing, flying smaller charter aircraft and then eventually moving up to larger regional airlines, can be lots of fun, but are also for the most part, quite low paying.

    Have a look at to find out the different salaries for some airlines. Unless it is stated as a yearly or monthly income, the pay listed is per flight hour. Each airline is different, but most pilots will fly approximately 75-80 hours a month to help you figure out how much you'd get paid. Be sure to also have a look at the 'regional airlines' section - the starting pay is quite low.

    The other thing to consider is that the aviation industry can be quite unstable. Since 2001 - there have been a number of pilots laid off and forced to find other work or other lower paying flying work.

    So, the short answer is that eventually pilots can make a very comfortable income. But it takes a lot of time and you won't make a huge income right out of flight school. Just make sure you know what you're getting into.


    James Ball

    Commercial Pilot and author of "So, You Want to be a Pilot, Eh?"

  2. I'm not 100% sure but i do know its in the three figures. and so is how much it costs to go to school for it. good luck with that.

  3. Too broad of a question.  Commercial pilot can mean anything from airlines to banner towing or flight instruction.  Seniority and flight time will impact your income as well.  So the range can be anywhere from $12,000 a year to $200,000 per year.  Depends on what you do and how long you have been doing it.

  4. It depend on what type of airplane you are piloting, what airline company you are employed by, and if you are flying internationally, which country you get your salary check in.

    Median annual earnings of commercial pilots were $57,480 in May 2006. The middle 50 percent earned between $40,780 and $83,760. The lowest 10 percent earned less than $28,450, and the highest 10 percent earned more than $115,220.

    Check out my sources for more info.

  5. Aviation is for the love of it - not the $$$$.

    If its money thats driving your desire, you should look at a career path that has a secure payscale.

    I know some pilots with years of experience that dont earn what I would of expected - they stick at it cos they LOVE the job.


  6. lets just put it this way.. money shouldn't be a factor.

    Its a common myth that we get paid well...

    captains of 7years in smaller-medium equipment will make 100,000-120,000..

    747 captains 200 maybe a little more if your flying boxes..

    it takes quite a while to move to the left seat.

    i can make 97,000 a year as a FO after working for 15 years.. ( if i never upgraded)

    1st year 39,000

    no a great business to get into if you want money and a family..

    highest divorce rates come out of this industry

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