
How much do computers cost? (a cheap one is fine)

by  |  earlier

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I'm trying to convince my parents to buy another computer because this one is just so old!


But, I'm going to try and pay for it since I'm 16 and able to work.

How much would it cost? How long would it take if I work at Kohl's or something?


thank you!




  1. i got my lap top with windows 2000 on it for about 250$ used on ebay i would check there it works great well plus shipping idk how much that is i hope i helped i should take about 2 1/2 weeks if u work full time im guessing i hope i helped!

  2. while working somewhere like kohls, it might take a while, but your only 16, so thats a pretty good start.

    try asking your parents if they can pay for half of the computer and you can pay for half, show them that you really want a new computer but are trying to actually make an effort to get one instad of just asking your parents for a computer. save up your money and only buy the bare essentials for a little bit.

    here's a laptop i found on the circuit city web site it was the cheapest one i could find and i think its worth the quality

    also try best buy's computers:


  3. 500 bucks. don't get a dell tho. they suck. the only okay pre-fab computer is the HP Compaq. those last longer. dells break too easily. so get an HP Compaq desktop from like Best Buy, internet, Big Lots or something.

  4. Um it depends on what you are going to most use it for suck as projects, games, p**n etc. It will range from $500 to $3,000. So if you worked a whatever job and put ALL your money aside I would say 3 or 4 months. Depends on what you get paid.

  5. like maybe cheepest is 300 u could always buy a used one :):) maybe a couple of months of saving

  6. it depends because you can get a 10gb computer with 200mb memory and no graphix card and no sound card and get it for 30 bucks but a reasonable computer with quite alot of space will cost you about 600-1000 bucks

  7. ermmm....depending on what country your from, where you live, and what kind of quality you are after..... you can pick up a semi-decent desktop PC for about $600-$800AUD.

    but it really depends on how good you want it, and what you want it to do.

  8. You can get a new desktop for $300-$350 at the least...but most of them don't come with a monitor, and if it does it's one of those big monstrous monitors. And you can get a brand new laptop for around $400 dollars, mine was $426 with taxes...not bad. If you make around $7.00 or $7.50 and you get paid every two weeks and lets say you worked around 25 hrs that pay could afford to buy one in at least 1-2 wouldn't take long at all. I got my laptop from great, it was affordable and I contracted a virus on it and they fixed in a couple hours for free! Dell is a great company to buy one from.

  9. I know you can get cheap computer packages at Walmart that include everything with it. I saw one just the other day for $499. There was another one I saw that was a little better for $699.

  10. You can check a local Computer shop ,they ussually have used ones there that will do the job.Bought my laptop for 400.00

  11. I'd say a good/cheap lab top would be about 400-600. Check sales also!

    As for price, the price of your desired computer divided by your hourly pay will give you the hours you need to work to get the computer.

  12. Normally, computers can go from $450 - $500, if you are price checking. A good computer that will last will go to $600. A little known *secret is 2008-early 2010 looks like great time to buy a computer. 6 months before and one year after Microsoft releases an Operating System is usually when all of the computers are c**p.

  13. im pretty sure google knows really well

  14. I would go to and get a system on there that you can afford.

    A desktop will get you FAR more for your money than a laptop.

    Can you still use your monitor?  Or do you need a new one (that could save some to)!!!  Additionally, you could save money if you have MS Office (and license) from your old computer.  You could use it on your new one.  

    Hope that help.   Avadirect is the BEST for Your Dollar!

  15. i just looked at some on ebay and i saw prices from like $100 to $200 which is a really good deal if your looking for a good cheap computer

  16. a desktop? about $600+

    a laptop? decent sized screen? about $800+

    a mini-laptop? eg. 6"screen etc? about $400

    and macs about $900+

    hope that helps!

    (prices indicated for new - used is always good to, but be careful!)

  17. You can get a great comp for a few hundred dollars. Make sure you get a hard drive and ram that will suit your needs.  

  18. it depends what you want. At, they are selling for as low as $300, and $500.

    at minimum wage (about 7 bucks an hour), about a month to buy a cheapo. (if ur just working after school or something)

  19. Ok don't get too cheep of one because it will be c**p. Shoot for one that is around the 200 dollar price range at the minimum. Honestly, I would go for one that was 400 because it should work for awhile and all you really need is good internet service, one that can turn on pretty fast, and a good battery.  

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