
How much do drinks cost on a cruise?

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My husband and I leave for a RC cruise in 3 weeks. We were jsut wondering how much sodas cost on these things. I know we were told that we will have an onboard accont and that the drink will be put on this I just want to know how much they will be




  1. I see you have other answers on this question but I would like to add... Sodas cards cost about 6.00 per person per day. We have always shared our drink card as we drink after each other no problem.

    If you are really concerned about money bring a 20oz bottle with a top. When you are on your way up to your room, ask for a coke with no ice. Take it to your room and put it in your bottle and keep in the refergerator. There is room for you to keep your bottle in there or just use the ice in your room.

    I have never had a problem with them mistaking my pop for theirs.

    Also in port buy a couple bottles to bring back to your room,.

    As for the waiters ignoring you, I have never seen that. They have always been friendly and willing to help in any way that they can.

    It is nice if you find a waiter at the pool that you like early on and slip him a few dollars.

    A smile goes a long way. If you treat them like servents then you will not get good service.

    Have a good time.

  2. RC offers a Drink Package program.

    $6.00 per day plus 15% gratuity for adults. About $48.30 for 7 day.

    $4.00 per day plus 15% gratuity for kdis.

    Includes soda by the glass (no cans) and juice.  

    You can purchase when you board the ship.

    The problem we had was you have to get soda from the bars.  The bartenders will serve every other guest wanting alcohol before the soda requests.  Even those guests that arrive at the bar after you!

    If you want soda by the can, then plan $1.75 per can.

  3. TOO MUCH! Seriously, I don't remember the exact amount.  I want to say 2-3 dollars for a small 10-12 oz cup filled with ice. Beer was 4-5 dollars a bottle and mixed drinks go way up.  Some lines sell a soda card or similar program, where you pay 20-30 dollars for unlimited soda on the cruise.  If you buy alot, it's worth it.  My travel agent gave us one as a gift, and I never thought twice about getting a soda, an proably drank 20 dollars worth.

    HOWEVER, the servers see the sticker or the card, and they run from you.  It takes forever to get one, and they never come to refill it. WHY? They don't get an automatic tip for the card, so they don't feel you are worth it. If you are camping out by the pool all day and plan to use the soda program, bring some $ and give them a buck tip every other trip, they will be happy to keep your glass full then.

    You can usually find the card on the webpage, in the onboard gifts, think about it.  If you do buy it, you want it on the first day, so you make 30$ of soda count! If you have a fridge in your cabin, buy some in port. Just buy pepsi if they have coke, so the room steward doensn't get confused and charge you for drinking your own pop!

  4. You can buy a card for unlimited sodas for about $20 per person.  As for alcoholic drinks, each day they will have a drink special.  If I recall, the special drink of the day is about $5, usually alcoholic drinks are about $7.  Also--you can buy a card for 12 drinks, but I don't recall how much it costs, but I think it saves you about $1 per regular priced drink.  The night before you get back home they charge your credit card for all your on-board expenses, but I checked my total at the end of each day just to make sure things weren't getting out of hand, which can happen easily.

    I had a great time on my RC cruise and I'm sure you will too.  Have fun!

  5. Usually the drink card is based on a per day charge (ie on Carnival it's $5.50 plus 15% gratuity for every day you have the unlimited soda card), so unless you drink a TON of coke, the coke card is sometimes more than purchasing the cokes individually. A lot of ships will let you bring on a reasonable amount of your own soda and bottled water-- check with the cruiseline or your TA to see if Royal Carribean allows it.

    As far as alcohol goes, expect to pay anywhere from $5-$7 for mixed drinks and beer. There will be drinks of the day as well as beer specials (beer buckets are sold on Carnival and I would suspect RC has the same type of deal) that will be less than the regular amount. Sometimes cruise ships will allow you to bring on a bottle of wine or champagne for a special occasion or for the sail away party-- usually there is a corkage fee if you bring it to the dining room, but if you ask your room steward when you board to keep a bucket of ice for cooling, they should set that up for you no problem. If you are concerned about spending, I would use cash for your on board account-- that way you are able to better monitor your spending. Trust me, the cruise line will not allow you to charge anything you don't have the cash for... sometimes this is good for people who don't have the discipline to monitor it every night like the person suggested above.

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