
How much do forensic anthropologist make?

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How much do forensic anthropologist make?




  1. well.. from what I have heard, not much. I took a forensich anthro course in college and my prof was a for. anthropologist as well (obviously) the forensic field is very limited and most jobs go to experienced professionals. most for. anthro. are professors first, and do case work with law enforcement on the side. when my professor did work for the police, tex. rangers, FBI etc, he was pretty much just paid for travel and expences... the little extra he did get paid was put into the for. lab and deptartment at the university.

    i work in forensics and have found that its easier to find a job when you have a background in a broad topic (such as anthropology, biology, chemistry, physics) then gain experience through work, volunteerings, and special course work in specialties relating to the forensic field. but.. just to let you know, most entry level jobs pay about average... but i have been told that with more exp the more pay... but that is with any job...

  2. Ola friend otimo know of a website that tells all about this your question very good hope have helped


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