
How much do green Anoles cost at a pet store? (pet smart, petco)

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I am getting one this weekend and want too know the price. thank you




  1. I agree with Hayley.  All you can do with them is feed them.  Ive never known of one you can hold.  Get an iguana.

  2. I pay about a $1.50 for them at my local mom & pop store. They're used as feeder lizards and go cheap. My tarantulas love them.

    Remember they are a hands-off pet though. Far to skittish and fragile to be handled.

  3. I think about $7.00, but I would suggest you don't they make horrible pet lizards. You can not hold them and the are just really boring, trust me you will regret getting it. But if you do decide to get one they live in colonys so you will want to get atleast two. Why don't you look into getting a geko they are soo cool. Anyway good luck.


  4. I agree with Anubis, Petco and PetSmart are terrible places and the employees usually have no idea what they are doing.  Higher end reptile stores and breeders are a much better choice, or even shipping a lizard from an online site would be better than those stores. is a good one, I got my iguana from them.  If they dont have any anoles now check back in a few days, they are constantly updating their page.  You might also want to try they have a lot of reptile classified ads.  Good luck.

  5. don't get it from petco or petsmart, it won't be healthy.

    get it from another pet store

  6. 8.99$ is the usual, with 12$ being a higher end price. Don't go to petco. They suck. Their animal care is lacking severaly in several deparments.

    Petsmart isn't as good as higher end private reptile stores, but is still better then petco

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