
How much do groomers and vets get paid

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i was very curious cause my friend wants to be a groomer an im gonna be a vet and we would like to know the amount of money we wou;ld get paid a year and we are making our own business




  1. Vets get paid good.  Groomers not so much.

  2. hey,

    i disagree with the other answer i did my share of reserche (over 1 year) and have friends who do both. they both make about 90 000 canadien dollars a year. If u own your grooming salon bout 120 000 and if you own your vet ofice bout 150 000. hope i helped and good luck for both (o anddont let anyone discourage her from being a groomer it is a fun well paid job. just in case here are the years of school you will need

    vet: 5-6 years out of high school

    groomer: 0-2 years out of high school

    xox Nicole

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