
How much do i need to workout to get a nice body?

by Guest62543  |  earlier

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right now im 125 lbs 5'5" and 14 yrs old.

i know im not fat but i want to get down to about 117 lbs and get more toned/ in shape.

how many days a week should i workout to reach my goal within a few months or so?

also what types of workouts should i do?




  1. 1st of all it depends what you want to do for exercise at your age a good estimate would be if you want to lift weights start out at a weight that you can lift 10-20 reps per time and do about 2-4 sets a day as a beginner sit ups do these cautiously as you can over strain your back and when you do these cross your arms over your chest so you do not try to pull your neck for added force try to work your way up to about 150-200  a day in 2 mnths time then up to 250 at most dont push to hard if you are straining hard you are tearing muscle not building it and with any exercise pace yourself weights move slow sam with sit ups chin ups etc. or you will only tear muscle

  2. You should start off by eating a diet rich in potassium, such as a few bananas each day.

    Your workout should consist of many sets of medium weights. What I mean by that is you should do about half of your maximum weight (or number of reps if its without weights), for about 10 sets.

    There are many reasons for that, number one is to keep your heart in the training range for the longest amount of time, and also to avoid injuries. Another advantage is that the more sets you do the less lactic acid builds up in your muscles. Lactic acid is what makes you sore after a workout, and if you do too much weight it will build up in your muscles and make you sore for several days. By using lighter weights for more sets, youll avoid storing lactic acid and will be able to go to the gym as many days a week as you want.

    Good workouts are squats, situps, pullups, and pushups. Those 4 workouts work out the ajority of your body.

  3. try going for walks 45-60 mins and do some yoga or pilates 45-60 mins after this routine 5 or 6 days a week

  4. Don't worry about losing weight at your age, just worry about gaining muscle. Swimming is a great way to build toned muscle and lose body fat. Other than that push-ups, sit-ups, curls etc. every day or other day. There are great free home workout websites.  

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