
How much do i smoke?

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since smoking calms u down how much do u need to smoke to get relaxed?




  1. Eh, Not much just a blunt should do it, its not hard to get a buzz, I get mellow just by smelling it. XD

  2. I think you're mistaken here.

    Walking helps you relax. Writing helps you relax. Listening to music helps you relax.

    Smoking just helps you die.

  3. not even,  a couple hits

  4. none it's not good for you to smoke at all

  5. Smoking is really bad for you. How old are you? If you are young I want to ask "Are you stupid or what?" Cancer results from smoking. That is a fact. Stomach cancer, lung cancer, bladder cancer, prostate cancer and probably many more. My Dad smoked since he was about 13 years old. He is now 65 and was just diagnosed with bladder and prostate cancer. Back when he was little they didn't know the harmful affects of smoking. But today, I think a person that starts up smoking is REALLY STUPID! I'm sorry to be rude, but smoking is not only bad for your health, it stinks and is expensive. The long-term affects of smoking is devastating. If you want to calm down, take a bubble bath, take a walk, exercise, drink a cup of chamomile tea or something else. Why would anyone choose to smoke to relax. You are taking oxygen out of your body when you do that and you are putting all sorts of toxic chemicals in you. Not to mention the second hand smoke you are forcing others to breathe. If you are just starting to smoke, please do yourself a favor and QUIT RIGHT NOW! Your loved one's will thank you for it. If they are smokers, maybe you can encourage them to quit too.

  6. don't you have a book report to do or something?  it is a school night

  7. umm a blunt should do!!!

  8. i dont smoke!  

  9. depends if i am really pissed off  lol i need at least 4 cig... lol then i am ok and i can think straight lol .. if i am just like what ever pissed i say one will do the job lol ...  

  10. smoking is horrible XP

    the only way it's okay is if it's marijuana...yumm

  11. just one i would say. the reson it calms u down is simply the deep breaths you take in and out. actually you dont need a smoke you can just take 10 deep breaths in and out. but id rather have a smoke too

  12. I don't smoke.  

  13. A couple big bong loads will do the trick. put ice cubes in the bong too :D

  14. Ick, please don't smoke...I've seen so many people's lives go down the drain from smoking weed and ciggs. Please don't do it.  There are plenty of other ways to feel relaxed. Sit outside on a sunny day and read a book, or watch clouds go by, or lay in a hammock, or take a bubble bath, or go for a walk....

  15. Υes, it's true that smoking calms you and is good for the brain system. That's the good effects of tobacco. If you are not an adult don't smoke,wait until you are mature enough to be sure what you like or not. If you are adult do what ever you want,life is short not to do things you like,and smoking is a pleasure. I suggest you Camel.

  16. depends on how uncalmed i am. usually 1 stick will do. at most 2

  17. Nicotine is a stimulant, so it really does not calm you down.  They sure taste good, though.

  18. I assume you're talking about smoking weed. If that's true, then probably about 6 bowls or a 10 sack if it's your first time. It all depends on how your body responds to it. But the first time I got high it took about 6 hits from a waterfall.

  19. depends what ur smoking

  20. There are better ways to calm down than smoking. Because in the long run, you'll get cancer that will stress you out even more. Try deep breathing, or getting a personal mantra. Smoking will kill you and no one likes a smoker. I mean, who wants to kiss an ash tray? Absolutely no one. And, assuming your male, you know that smoking causes your sperm to taste like cigarettes? So, if you ever get a girl do go down on you, she'll be disgusted. Or even get a therapist, someone that could help you channel your anger. Get into boxing or something like that. You need an outlet, man.

  21. smoke? are you kidding me? you might as well sign your will and buy a coffin!

  22. dont go overboard...whatever you're smoking

  23. i need 0 amount of smoke

    i hate smoke..

    im afraid i will die of second hand smoke.

    all you have to do is find something more RELAXING

    like a day on the beach..or sleeping


  24. EWWWW dont smoke. thats like one of the worse habbits you can do.

    believe me dont get into it!

  25. smoking (cigarettes) calms you when you are already an addict but if you smoke too much it boosts your heart rate/blood pressure etc. UP and can having some very nasty side effects  

  26. Try to find healthier ways to relax.

  27. It doesn't actually calm you down since you it is a stimulant, and you shouldn't be smoking at all. It calms you down once you are addicted, but you shouldn't have been jittery before if you weren't addicted.

  28. That's the stupidest thing I have ever heard, why would you slowly kill yourself to relax? Try taking a bubble bath or listening to music.
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