
How much do i win with a bet of £5 if?

by  |  earlier

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The odds are 100-30.

Can you please give me the answer including the stake money back. cheers




  1. Here's an easy way for you to do this in the future.  You simply convert the odds, in this case 100/30 or 10/3, into decimal form by dividing the top number by the bottom number.  This give you the decimal odds of 3.33  Take that number and multiply by your wager amount of £5.  This will give you a payout of £16.67 + £5 = £21.67 total.

    NOTE: The juice is already factored into the line sir!  Posted odds already have the juice figured into them.

  2. 1.5 £

  3. One must know the juice. £ 21.65 sounds right, but there must be juice, or the house will not stay open.  Say 10% juice,        ÃƒÂ‚£ 21.15

  4. 21.65 appox

  5. £21.50

  6. £42.50 back on a tenner staek so that would make it £21.25

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