
How much do industrials hurt, compared to noses?

by  |  earlier

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ok, so i want to get mi industrial peirced and have a few questions.

how much do they hurt? compare to nose rings if u can plz!

i have my right nstril peirced, what side should i get the industrial on? i tas thiking left.

the place where i go for peircings (Canadian Red Dragon) charges 20$ per peircimg on ears plus jewlery, would i have to pay 2x20 for holes or just for one? TY!




  1. mine didnt hurt at all, although i have a crazy pain tolerance. i paid about the same as your place charges. it healed pretty fast. every now and then it'll get a little swollen and what not but its not bad. it also hasnt been even a year yet so its not fully healed. i pierced my own septum with a tack when i was 17 so it hurt much less than that. :)

  2. Mine hurt a lot! I don't have my nostril done, sorry =(. It was my 2nd most painful piercing, my worst was the septum. The pain feels like a lot of pressure, and it throbs for a few weeks. I suggest telling them to do the 2nd hole as soon as they're done with the first hole... it won't hurt as much as it will if you get the first hole done, wait, and then get the 2nd one done. =)

    I suggest getting it done on the side you don't sleep on (if you sleep on your side). I made that mistake, and it took a while to adjust to sleeping on my right, as opposed to my left.

    I think you might have to pay a bit extra, for my piercing place it's $45 for a single piercing and $55 for the industrial (AUD).  

  3. It doesn't hurt to get peirced but it can be a pain if scar tissue builds up. I got mine done 2 and 1/2 years ago and scar tissue is still there and it hurts if I hit it like when I brush my hair. Takes a looooooongggggggg time to heal.

    Some people's heal really quickly though. But where I got it done you have to get 2 hoops in until it heals and then they put the bar but I still haven't been able to get the bar b/c of the scar tissue.

  4. ooooooooo

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