
How much do macaws ususally cost?

by Guest63833  |  earlier

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scarlet, green winged, military, etc.

and whats the lowest price you can get them for




  1. I have seen some in the paper for $650 but are older and I would want one that I would raise without habits. Normal starting grounds is around $1,500 and you would need a LARGE cage.

  2. Most are usually around $1500.  The more rare the higher the cost like the hyacinth macaw is around $8000-$15000+.  The Hahn's macaw is around $750.  Looking around at bird shelters will give you the best price, but they will not be young and could have behavior problems.

  3. to much at least for me but there really nice (but the first answer is good and it also depends on where u live)

  4. The cheapest I've seen any species of Macaw was $400 (It was a young Military Macaw- not baby, but still young). They can range anywhere from $400-2500 depending on species, and where you live.

    You can adopt or find someone re-homing their bird for less, but then you tend get older birds, or sometimes have to deal with behavior issues.

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