
How much do morning after pills cost?

by Guest58588  |  earlier

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I'm just curious as I'm thinking of investing in some. How many do you get in a box, where can you get them (can I get them at Wal-mart or someplace like that) and how much will they run me? Thanks!




  1. The morning after pill is about $40.00

  2. i know this is bad but if you go to planned parenthood they give them to you for free but i think it might only be one at a time im not sure but anyways in case you dont know how it is you have to sign up and everything but tell them you dont have insurance and dont want your parents to know and just tell them you had s*x the night before and your worried and theyll give you one at least!!

    good luck!!

  3. Where I live they run from around 40-50 call walmart ahead of time to see if they even have them cause the one here is usually always low on stock

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