
How much do most kids care where babies come from?

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I think it's interesting that parents worry so much about how to answer this question. When I was a kid my mom simply told me that I came out of her tummy. Furthermore, I was taught as a kid that I had existed before this life for trillions of years. This explanation was completely satisfactory to me and true within the context of science and my religion. Eventually, my parents told me about the "birds and the bees," but it wasn't anything I particularly cared about knowing.




  1. That's what I told my son, and he seemed very satisfied with the answer. He is very excited that a new baby is in mommy's tummy right now.

  2. its not something they care about that much at all, my 7 year old sister asked me this the other day and i just told her that the baby comes from the mamas tummy and she thought oh ok and shrugged it off and hasnt asked any more questions since then.

  3. I was the same way. I don't actually remember asking where I came from, I just knew that babies came from women's tummies. I never wanted to know more. I always wonder what I'd tell my daughter if she did want to know more, but I guess I have no clue, because I was never like that.

  4. Yes, there's such a thing as too much information when it comes to this subject and young children.  I would tell them just enough to satisfy their curiosity, but keep it to the truth (no storks in other words). Their attention spans are short and their ability to process information is limited.  The spacing between my kids was 2 years and 3 years.  At that age, they were satisfied to know that I had a baby growing inside me and that it would come out when it was ready. I expected that the next question they'd ask was how babies start growing inside their moms, but it was several more years before that  even occurred to them!

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