
How much do people earn in brazil?

by Guest62770  |  earlier

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hey people, i wanna know what people earn in brazil. for example how much do regular restaurant waiters earn?





  1. Most wait staff in Brazil earn what's called one minimum salary (monthly) plus a small % in tips. that % will depending on the restaurant and the honesty of the owners. Tipping is not obrigatory in BR and some restaurants will not add the 10% to the bill whereas others will. How much of that tip makes it into the waiter's pockets will vary immensily!

    Most 5 star restaurants and hotels will pay more than one minimum salary as they want better staff but you can imagine how hard it is to get into a job like that.

    As for your question on how much people earn in BR, most people earn one minimum salary or less. A very small % of the population earn more, the middle class earns barely enough to maintain it's lifestyle and the upper classes are richer than you can imagine.

    One minimum salary is actually very little and I can't imagine how a person could survive on those wages. For an example: Waiter in Rio de Janeiro earns R$456.16 while a farm worker earns R$404.02 The highest rate I found was R$486.13 for what basically amounts to a cashier or accountant's assistant's job.

    What does that translate to in cost of living? Well, I was there a couple of months ago and the average meal in a really simple restaurant was R$10, milk was R$2.50, local bus fare was about R$1.50 to R$3.50, a bus ticket for a 3 hour bus trip was R$32 (One way!), a coffee was R$1.50, monthly rent for a one bedroom apt in a half-decent neighbourhood was between R$1,200 to R$ 2,000.... I estimate that to live a lower-middle class lifestyle in Rio de Janeiro you would have to earn around R$3,000 per month. This will vary according to city of course.

    to give you an idea of how this affects the population, well the UN ranks Brazil 62nd on the Human Development Index in spite of it being the 8th largerst economy in the world. Canada and the US are ranked 8 and 7 respectedly

  2. usually not much, because tip (only 10%) is included in the check,  so most people do not leave any additional money.  this is in curitiba, parana by the way...  it may be different in other areas of brasil.

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