
How much do polls really mean in politics?

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It seems like anyone who wants one has a poll anymore, there is Gallop, Zogby, CNN, Rasmussen, and on and on . . .

Do the people who are willing to answer these things provide enough honesty and information to fill in for the rest of us, or it it the same old theory that polls are made to be manipulated to say what the asker wants them to?




  1. they mean 2 things




    any poll question can be asked in such a way to derive the information one looking for

  2. Those polls had Gore and Kerry both winning their elections by 10 points but Bush won both times.  This proves the polls aren't worth the money they pay people to make up those polls.

    McCain IS our new president.

  3. Honestly, they mean nothing at all. I am not exactly young and I have never been polled in my life. They never asked anybody I knew about Reagan and Carter and they still haven't asked anybody I know about McCain and Obama (or anybody in between). Polls are just fun to argue about. The fact is, on election day the race will probably be a "virtual dead heat" unless something bizarre happens (it almost always seems to be a "virtual dead heat")...and then the only poll that will count will be the election itself.

  4. Their margin of error is about 20%, making them worthless.  As you say, the questions and demographics can be manipulated to achieve any result.  

    To borrow Mark Twain's famous saying:  There are 3 kinds of lies:  Lies, d**n Lies, and polls!

    Most national polls show Obama and McCain even, but when you look at individual states, Obama is significantly ahead.  That explains why McCain made such a radical move - to try and change the losing trajectory of his campaign.

  5. None of them can be taken with a grain of salt.  I have yet to see a poll that was right.

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