
How much do private adoptions cost- no agency fees?

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How much do private adoptions cost- no agency fees?




  1. If you choose to do private adoption and go through an agency, you may need to pay for the following:

    1.  Minimum 2 sessions of counseling before the placement and one after.  Cost - about $300.

    2.  Birthfather serving or publication.  Cost -- about $700.

    3.  Birthfather search with private detective if he cannot be found -- Cost -- about $1000-2000.

    4.  Termination hearings.  Must hire an attorney for the birthmother, one for the birthfather, and one for the baby.  Cost-- about $2000.

    5.  Prenatal care -- reimbursement or actual payments -- Cost -- about $1500 - $4000.

    6.  Delivery, hospital, anesthetist, circumcision (if boy) and pediatrician fees -- $7000 - $15,000 if c-section or complications.

    7.  Birthmother housing, clothing, groceries, etc. if allowable expenses in your state -- Cost - About $1000 per month, 10 month maximum.

    I hope that helps!

  2. It really is dependent on the type of private adoption that you are doing.  If you have identified the birth family and the child is already here, the fees for private adoption can be significantly less than if the child is not born yet.  Some private adoptions may include birth mother expenses, some may not.  Also, there are your standard court fees, attorney fees, background checks, etc.  

    When we began our adoption process, our attorney wanted a $4000 retainer.  As it turned out because it was a "special needs" adoption of a child from another state, our attorney was not able to help us with some of the specialty things and recommended that we seek out an adoption agency who specialized in "identified adoptions", which is what we did.  

    Good luck to you.

  3. nothing if the mother wants to sign over custody to you

  4. It all depends on the mother. Personally, I was adopted when I was 3 days old. I have been told that my mother asked for all hospital bills to be paid, plus several other expenses. I ended up costing 18,000 dollars :-/ This may or may not be typical, but this is my personal experience :)

  5. You will probably have to pay some court costs.

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