
How much do red-eared slider turtles cost at petco and/or pet supermarket?

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I just want to compare prices without visiting both stores.




  1. That depends on where you live. In some states it is against the law to trade in turtles.... TN, GA.

  2. calif right now petco is selling them for 14.99, regular 17.99

    Not in grocery stores in Calif..

  3. how lazy are you?  please do not get any pets.

  4. anywhere from $15 to $25 at Petco.

    and DEFF! buy it from Petco. they treat their animals SO much better.

  5. i have two of them you live naywhere near alaska..cause im givving them away

  6. usually 20 to 30 but sometimes depending on size they can get up to 50 to 100 dollars

  7. You could buy a hatchling RES off of for $3.95 plus like $15 shipping.

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