
How much do rides cost at the royal adelaide show...and how much is it to get in.?

by  |  earlier

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as in entry fee

i want to start saving for the show but i need prices so i know around how much i want to save.




  1. thats pretty cool, someone knows of the adelaide show! yeah i live in adelaide and go every year. entry fee for students is around $15, adults around $20. you HAVE to get some showbags so put away about $40 for them, ull also want some food/candy which are quite expensive so add another $25 and as for the rides, the prices vary greatly but on average they are about $9, there is even a $60 ride.  (dont waste ur money). ull probly go on about 8 rides i think. I always bring about $130, which covers everything pretty much, just dont waste ur money on those novelty games. (btw its in september so u have plenty of time) Have fun! Ill be there!

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