
How much do secretaries make an hour?

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ok alot of my friends say i should be a secretary and i wanted to know how much they made an hour because i dont want to just walk in and ask them how much he would pay for the job because then i would look like an could you please help me?




  1. It depends on so many things, that it is hard to give you an answer.

    It depends mostly on where you work and what you are doing; also, where you live.

    Your experience is very important, too. If you have none, you will not make a high salary.

    Lots of secretaries do simple tasks all day, but many also perform complex duties. Of course, the harder the work, the more the pay and the more you will have to know for them to hire you.

    I have seen ads for jobs paying minimum wage all the way up to over 20 dollars an hour.

    If it is a small, local office and all you will be doing are the basics, like filing and phones, then it won't be paying more than 8-9 an hour, depending on where you live. If it is a larger place and/or you are doing A LOT of work, and work that is difficult or complicated, you can ask for more. You really have to base it on what you know, the exact duties and where the job is located. I am in NJ, and the pay rates are around 10 an hour if you have a year of experience. Some of these are pretty involved jobs, though, but the employers do not want to pay!

    If you go on an interview, find out exactly what needs to be done each day, and what they want you to know.

    You can also go to and type in Secretary and the zip where you live. You can get a chart of salaries based on experience. The low end of the chart will be the least experience.

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