
How much do singing lessons cost?

by  |  earlier

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I want to audition for something but I want someone to help me build up my voice.




  1. mine is $50 for a 45 minute lesson

    my friends is $85 for an hour lesson

  2. $35 - $100 an hour

  3. My girlfriend gets them for 70 bucks a I guess that's really cheap from other answerers...

    This is her singing after about a year of lessons:

    So it's not like we got ripped off or anything...

    (That's me with the guitar, if you were wondering.)

  4. It depends on the person who's charging it. That's the deciding factor. You may want to look in the phone book and call different numbers and find out which is the cheapest (if you're thrifty).

  5. Everyone at my level or close to (which is just out of uni but haven't made a name for ourselves yet) charge $60 (Australian Dollars) for 1 hour.  If you want someone who has made a name for themselves then you could be looking at upwards of $100.

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