
How much do tattoos hurt?

by  |  earlier

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i want to get a tattoo but i'm not sure....

i don't have a big pain tolerance.

like i can handle regular needles. they freak me out. but they only sting a lil bit at first.

i was wondering how much a tattoo on your shoulder hurts (it'd be on my shoulder blade area)

like is it just little pricks? or what

i've been told by a few ppl that it doesn't hurt at all

but i'm a wimp. so i'm not sure

can anybody help?? please give me as much detail as possible????





  1. It all depends on the person and their pain tolerance. I have a large tolerance for pain and that would explain why i have 9 tattoos, but as for my boyfriend he isnt big on pain and needles and he gets very faint, he only has two. If you plan on getting them i would suggest keeping a few suckers next to you and some apple juice to help avoid nausea.

  2. Its feels sorta like a paper cut that keeps on going.  

  3. it all depends on pain tollerance, how much sun you get and how much flesh and skin are covering the bone. Believe it or not the sun toughens the skin so it wont hurt much. and also how much fat you have where the tattoo will be. I had my first tattoo when i was 14 and it didn't hurt at all because i had a bit of fat thereand that is on my arm up to my shoulder (tribal) and now im getting a hull city badge (english soccer club) on my chest.

  4. it feels like small bee stings that keep going on and on. Remember once they start they cant stop. Yes tattoos do hurt, dont let anyone lie to you, but compared to a life time its cake.

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