
How much do taxes take off in a paycheck for a student

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i am 16 years old will be 17 in 4 months. I just recently got hired at vons did 10 hours the first week and 20 hours the second. I didnt get my paycheck last friday but for sure i should get it this upcoming friday. I am in high school and when school starts up again i will be in the 11th grade. I am going to be working 20 hours every week and will keep this job for probably at the least the next two years. I make 8.10 an hour. I live with my brother and my mom is a single parent. I want to know how much in taxes will be taken off my paycheck every week and how much will i get back in my income tax check.




  1. If you worked the entire year at 20 hours a week you would have some tax liability at the end of the year.  However you are just starting so you should not worry about that for this year.  Take 2 allowances on your W-4   and they should not take any withholding.  That will leave you with Social Security and Medicare which is 7.65 percent of your gross earnings which would be $12.39 a week at 20 hours a week.  Now you state may have Disability Insurance which will be an additional withholding but I don't know the rate as I don't know what state you will be working in.

  2. Read about the filing requirements of a dependent,  

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