
How much do taxi drivers make?

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how much you think taxi drivers make hourly/weekly net? is it worth while on getting into the taxi industry?

any drivers out there, is the money decent enough?




  1. You are an individual entrpreneur. You don't get paid if you are sick. You get no benefits. You are at the mercy of the authorities, passengers who may be rowdy, even drunk and disorderly, or felons, or deadbeats. You cannot raise your rates beyond a legal limit no matter how high your expenses may rise. Eight hours in an uncomfortable position will damage your back and your kidneys and your leg muscles.  Breathing in road pollution will damage your lungs.

    If you are single without expenses  and without costly habits (eating in restaurants, owning more than one suit) the money is all right, but you can't raise a family on what you wil make.  

  2. hahha I love your name!  Put the lotion in the basket.!!

  3. it all depends. You are employed by the taxi firm but you pay them weekly. You also pay then council weekly for the lisence of the taxi. You keep what ever earnings you make.


  4. in the uk,particularly london taxi drivers can earn a steady income of around £30k per's,not rocket science to realise that with no legislation in regards drivers hours,more money can be earned on a pro-rata basis!

  5. you get a cool car

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