
How much do taxis cost in berlin??

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How much do taxis cost in berlin??




  1. not too much, a five-ten minute drive was about seven euro.

  2. Take a look at this web site:

    I entered 1 person traveling 16 kilometers (10 miles) with luggage which fits in the trunk (there is an extra charge if you have more) and it gave me a total of 24.90 EUR.  This is with an average travel time of 34 minutes.

    If you figure that there is a base fee of 3.00 EUR, then you can more or less say that it is roughly 20.00 EUR per 10 miles + base fee if you are able to keep moving at a reasonable speed.  If you get caught in traffic, obviously you are not going to get there as quickly and will be paying more since taxis charge not only for distance but also for time traveled.

    The web site can give you further details.  You can check the translator:


    for the words you don't know, it's pretty straightforward.

  3. They are metered as in the USA and many other places. You pay by Euro for an amount of time you spend in it,

    I noted that the timer keeps adding Euro though it was like .20 Euro a minute and not based on distance but time. So if we had a lot of traffic and had to wait the timer kept rolling versus if it were a clear road and fast drive costing less due to less stops and traffic.

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