
How much do teens pay for car insurance a month?

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If i am 17 years old buying a brand new 2009 car sedan about how much will i pay monthly on insurance?




  1. you should go to and check out the price in your area for you. its gonna be a different quote for me and you.

  2. For car insurance the best way to get a great rate is do a policy comparison on car policies. Make sure that you pick similar options with the same deductibles, auto make, location, etc so that all options are a good comparison.

    What I usually recommend is an online comparison quote at since they have top name insurers and can give many prices on car insurance polices.

  3. It's so hard to determine everyone has a different rates. Factors such as location, make of the car, etc. things like that changes how much you pay for the insurance.  Check this site out they have some great info and gives you quotes from some of the top providers in your area. Good Luck!

  4. If you get a brand new 2009 sedan, you woudn`t care about the insurance premium. You could afford it, unless it`s your parents car and you are one of the drivers, then that`s more like it.

    About 100-125/month, allot depends on where you live. I would call your parents insurance company for a quote, it will be more accurate than here.

  5. Hello! I Got This For You. As Always, It's Always Better That You Get The Info Firsthand. So Better Check It Out Yourself, Im sure You'll Discover Something...

  6. One billion dollars.I'm sure you (and your friends) would love a 2009 sedan.If you (and your parents) are smart...lower your sights and get a safe used car as your first one (Dad-remember how you drove when you were 17 ?)Mom-let him drive your mini-van and YOU get the new car !

  7. see this it's one form to get a number of quotes from different insurers. It's free and a big time saver.

    However if you buy an old banger it won't hurt half as much when you first smack into something, you can then throw it away and get another, and another till you learn how to drive.

    Throughout this time you can also get liability only and pay accordingly.

    But hey if you are rich, go for the 2009 sedan, get a 20 grand stereo while you are at it and don't garage it. Leave keys on overnight to impress your friends too :)

  8. I pay 90$ per month for my 2006 Toyota Campry.

    Help yourself - you can easily check your quotes in internet, for example here:

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