
How much do the Americans here about Britain?

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THis is a question to anyone who live in thhe U.S.A. Do you hear about our elections and our politics in your news. Just interested, because he hear all about your elections.




  1. More significantly - I lived for a few years in the USA..not only was there little news about Britain, there was NO news about Canada which shares the longest unprotected border with them, and upon whom they are dependant for fresh water, and natural gas. The news, the school geography courses are all american centric.

  2. We don't hear much about the rest of the world at all.  Our news is so superficial it's incredible.  Whenever I visit Europe - any country - I'm amazed at how thorough the news coverage is.  Here they do what sells; most Americans just aren't interested.

  3. Yes we do if the people care to pay attention, I watch the BBC

    news broadcast when I get a chance, I also watch the CNN World show as well.

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