
How much do the average 19 yr old girls eat?

by  |  earlier

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for breakfast lunch and dinner

just wanna know the avergage amt




  1. Usually with your question, it all depends on if the girl is big boned or really skinny. I am pretty skinny but not like too skinny.Lets say for example, I eat 1 turkey sandwich, small bag of chips, and a soda for lunch. For breakfast, I eat 1 serving of eggs, 3 pcs. of bacon and some hash browns. And for dinner I would eat a pork chop, a serving of mashed potatoes and a serving of corn. And yes I am about 19. give or take a year. So it all depends on body type and size.

  2. 2000 calories a day is good for a 19 year old. apart frm your body size, you need to look at how active you are as well.  

  3. 2,000 calories probably. Something like this:

    breakfast: big bowl of cereal w/vit. D milk-400 cal.

    lunch-sandwich-400 cal.

    snack-yogurt w/fruit-200

    dinner-chicken, rice, veggies-500 cal.

    dessert-ice cream-200 cal.

    snack-nuts-300 cal.

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