
How much do they really change?

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I had a 3d/4d ultrasound at 27 weeks 5 days. I have another one next friday and I will be in my 33 week. The ultrasound tech said that I will see a huge difference. Is this really true or was she just trying to sell me the bigger package (which i bought).

Here's my little girl at 27 weeks




  1. hi, no if the ultrasound lady has told you that you will see a hugh difference than she is probably right. your little girl is cute btw he he. you will see alot more now because your are now 33 weeks pregnant,there is a big difference between 27 weeks and 33 weeks. a baby changes so much and alot more things are happening. good luck and congrats.

  2. yea they change my mom and friend got them..

    and she looks SUPER cute!!!!!!!!


  3. since the date on it was july will see a lot of difference. she will be bigger and more developed..more chub..way more details

  4. First of all congrats! She looks beautiful already. I saw a big change from 25 weeks to 32 weeks. My son looked more like a newborn baby. His face was fuller and he had more distinguished features.

    She might have been trying to sell you a bigger package but I do think there is a pretty big difference.

    Hope the best for you!  

  5. They will change a lot! You will see  a lot more chub! :)

  6. Oh at 33 weeks you will see alot more. i seen my daughter little dimples in her chin and everything  at that point. she look almost just like that when she was born. it was great i loved the pic. i was even able to put it onto vhs ( this was 4 years ago) i cant wait to have my 3d done with this little one i have in me now.  

  7. The life inside you will grow at rapid speed. Enjoy every part of motherhood and being pregnant. May God richly Bless you and your new baby :)

  8. So adorable.  I don't have the 3D-4D ones done but with my regular ones I could tell a big difference.

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