
How much do u pay for internet in cruise ship if your are working and is it cheaper if u have your own laptop?

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  1. Your rate should be about $.75 whether you connect with your own computer or with theirs.  You're just paying for the connection.  If you plan to do a lot of internet stuff on the cruise then you will be able to buy a block of time that would be cheaper.

  2. I've never worked on a cruise ship but I have cruised. From a passenger's point of view it is sometimes less expensive if you have your own computer. At other times it isn't.   Passengers buy a set amount of minutes to connect to the ship's  email server.    If you want to basically just do emails and you have an email  address ...say  Hotmail.... that will download all incoming emails to your computer that's a plus. You can connect to the ship's server, download your emails, disconnect from the server, answer the emails off line,  reconnect to the ship's server, and send all your emails. Doing that will save $ because you are online less.  If you have other email addresses you can not download the emails and answer them offline.    On some cruise ships it costs the same to use their server whether you use your own computer or the ship's computers.     Cruise ships are in business to make money..... That's the bottom line.  Employees onboard may get a better "break" in fees.  You jus have to ask for the details.

  3. There are a lot of benefits to having your own laptop:

    (1) you can write your emails off-line and then only pay for the time you need to synch the messages - saves big bucks

    (2) you don't have to wait in line

    The cost of internet depends on the cruise line, but although they're not trying to make any money off the crew this way, it's expensive because it's a satellite connection.  That said, you do NOT pay 75c a minute -- that's what the guests pay, as a crewmember you get it at cost.  But it's probably not less than half that.

    Your best bet is to get off the ship whenever you can, with your laptop, and go to an internet cafe. Most ships will have info onboard in the crew areas about where's cheap.  E.g., in Grand Turk you can go to "Jack's Shack" down the beach and for the cost of a Coke use the wi-fi as long as you want.

  4. For me it was 20 dollars for just 1 hour of internet time. Pretty expensive. Yes it would be dramatically cheaper to just bring own laptop, just keep it locked up.

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