
How much do u question the daily observations? Put a thinking cap n ans these?

by  |  earlier

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Q1) Why is it that paddy always needs a standing water?

Q2) Why r traffic lights red, yellow and green?

Q3) When u fly in a planewhy is it that the clouds look as if they are suspended in some liquid (Why is the space between them blue as if appearing water)

Q4) Why r some things bio degradable and others not?

Q5) Why do you yawn?

Q5)What makes you know that you r feeling hungry?


Q60 Why is the rainbow in the shape of a bow?




  1. Why are you asking these? lol

    1. I'm not sure. Something in how they grow?

    2. They are easy colors.

    3. I never noticed.

    4. Because some people don't care about the environment.

    5. Because your tired.

    5. Your brain sends signals.

    60. Something about how it forms.

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