
How much do u think Usain Bolt can run in a 40 yard dash since he ran 9.68 in the 100 meter ?

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Usain Bolt ran 9.68 in a 100 meter race and broke the record and is now the fastest man on the planet. how much time do you think that would be in a 40-yard dash




  1. I think he'd run it in under 4.0 seconds, something like a 3.9.

  2. All of the people who are saying that Usain Bolt would run under 4 seconds in the 40 yard dash are incorrect. You can't simply convert from meters to yards and divide by time. It doesn't work that way.

    Sprinters start at a speed of 0 and generally accelerate for the first 50 meters and then start to slowly decelerate during the last 30-40 meters.

    A more accurate way to estimate Bolt's 40 yard dash time would be to use the 60 meter dash world record as a bench mark. The 60m WR is 6.39 seconds by Maurice Green. Bolt really started pulling away from the field around the 40-50 meter mark, so I would guess Bolt's 60m split would be about 6.35 seconds.

    This means that Bolt ran the last 40 meters in 3.34 seconds or 0.0835 seconds per meter. If we assume his speed over the last 40 meters was the same as his speed between 40 yards (36.576m) and 60 meters, than his 40 yard dash time would be......drumroll please.....4.394 seconds.


    You really shouldn't be if you know anything about track and field. There is a 0.1 or 0.2 second reaction time between the sound of the gun and when the sprinters start running.

    This same reaction time works the opposite way for 40 yard dash times because coaches start the stop watch on the movement of the runners. Therefore the stopwatch starts 0.1 - 0.2 seconds after the runner goes.

    So this means that when you hear a player at the NFL combine ran the 40 yard dash in 4.30 seconds, if he were running on a track with a starting gun, he would really have run between 4.50 and 4.70.

    Therefore if you account for the reaction times, if Usain Bolt were to run the same 4.394 second 40 yard dash at the NFL combine, they would likely clock him at somewhere between 4.00 and 4.20 seconds.

  3. i anywhere between 4.0 & 5.0

    maybe even faster

  4. and he slowed down in the finals!and still won amazing! I would like to see him go all out to see what he can really do!

  5. He is actually smart. He still has the 200 meters still to be run. So that's why he shut it off in the 100 meters. Otherwise he would have set even 9.4 seconds.

    "I just ran the first 50 meters, then I looked around to make sure I was safe and I shut it off" - Usain Bolt

  6. in reality it would be just slightly over 3.5 like sportcenter said because that was just averaging his times. Because he is 6 feet 5 inches it takes him longer to acclerate to his top speed and since the 40 yard dash is under half the distance of the 100 he would be at his top speed much shorter of a time.  His 40 time would still be amazingly fast, most likely around 3.65!

  7. 3.5 seconds

  8. yEA 3.49 He PlAYys RunNingBacK at my skewl.


  9. What he did last night would convert to a 3.5, 40 yard dash.

  10. yeah on espn they said he would run a 3.49 take him at WR

  11. I've heard the 3.5 times, but that's actually pretty ridiculous.  They are almost definitely just taking his 100 meter time (109 yards roughly) and then doing the math to see what it would be at 40 yards.. but Usain didn't start at top speed.  The last half of his race was ran much faster than the first half.

    I'm willing to bet he would probably be a less glamorous 4.2, and as someone else already suggested, Asafa Powell would most likely have a better 40 time, at around 4.10

  12. The problem is that, to judge his 40, you'd have to take the time from the start of his run until 40 yards have passed.  Anyone have tape (I'm sure Youtube) and run it back to see at what point he passed 40 yards?

    That's his 40 time

  13. 3.4

  14. Bolt would run it very fast for sure, seeing as he got that 9.69 celebrating the last 15 meters. But I think Asafa Powell would have a faster 40 yard dash. Bolt has a higher top speed, but he does not get to top speed until around 50 yards or so. Asafa has the fastest start in the world, and great acceleration.  

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