
How much do volleyball players get paid a year and monthly?

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Does anyone know how much volleyball players get paid yearly and monthly?




  1. Olympic team get pays stipend & bonus if medal earned.

    Outstanding student athletes earn full-ride scholarship.

    Pro-AVP win the prize when they win a tournament.

  2. Depends upon what area you are speaking of.

    Over in Europe, one can become a pro volleyball player, much like the guys can play pro basketball or football.  They make a modest living playing, but their room and board is taken care of by the teams.

    In the US, the beach tour is where the pro money is.  They make money by winning or placing in the tournaments on the schedule.  Some of the bigger names get paid just for playing.  They also get sponsorships and endorsement deals with companies, like Gatorade, Nike, Spalding, Wilson, and so on.  

    Olympic players aren't supposed to be paid for playing, but with the new rules on not necessarily being professional by getting money, they can sign endorsement deals.  That typically doesn't happen unless they are about to go pro, or it is a sport-specific sponsorship.

    College players can get scholarships, and that is all.  If you play any college sport, you can't make money playing that or any sport, otherwise you lose your amateur status, and it makes you ineligible for NCAA play.

    But for the pro beach - only the HUGE players can pull in over a million a year.  But otherwise, they get the money they win in tournaments and their endorsement deals.  If you have the means for self-support, and you don't necessarily need a paycheck consistently, then going pro is the way for you to go.  But otherwise, I would just keep it a hobby and go for a career.

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