
How much do waitresses normally get paid?

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Such as restaurants as, Elephant Bar, Straits, and BJ's?




  1. My friend worked at Bj's. She made minimum wage and then tips. But then her paychecks would be almost $0 because of taxes. She'll make about $70 on a friday night

  2. I worked at a 5 star and I was paid 3.00 per hour. Because of tips you don't count for min. wage.

    Now there were some rules- If you worked say 5 hours one day and your pay is 3.00 and hour your pay on payroll before taxes would be 15.00 dollars- if you made less than 15.00 dollars in tips for that day your pay on payroll for that day would be bumped up to min wage. Vise versa -if you made more than 15.00 in tips for the day your pay on pay roll for the day would remain at 3.00

    Now as per the resuraunt I worked at I made pretty good tips and only worked the day shiff and I didn't work behind the bar either. Being a 5 star as I said I was making good tips. Now for a run of the mill resturant it would be worth working there if you were able to work day and night shifts and even better if you could get behind the bar.

    In alot of places cash tips can be taken home in full and you don't have to turn them in for taxes but if the tip is left on a credit card you take home the tip in cash but taxes from the credit tips are taken out of your pay check. Somtimes if you make alot of credit tips those taxes can add up since they take that part out of your check, if the taxes are greater than the amount of your check -you wont get a check. So as a tip (no pun intended) try has hard as you can to get people to pay cash- you will learn your own tricks and ways to do this -though none should never be immoral. :)

    The best way to find out about pay is just ask. Unlike other jobs were wage can be set up and a certain amount requested- as a waitress its going to have one set pay that is set in stone. So what you take home depends on how much work you are given, how hard you try and how much of a tip people are will to leave.  

    These tips and pay standards are from what I know is the normal for where I live. Most places will have concepts that run about the same. So check it out! Being a waitress can be a run rewarding job, if you are a people person and are willing to work hard its somthing you should try!

    Good Luck!

  3. It varies from restaurant to restaurant. Some dont pay much over $3.00 an hour. Those are generally the ones that think the waitress will make up the rest with tips. Some will go ahead and pay whatever mimium wage is.

  4. sometimes min wage and they also at times get the tip taken out of their wage always try to tip well if u get a good waitress and great service

  5. Most states require minimum wage, plus tips. In some states, they have what is called the "tip credit" which allows the employer to pay less than minimum wage because of tips. Not many states allow this now.

  6. Well it normally depends on where you work. My sister is making about $30.00 for 4 hrs.

  7. Most waitresses get paid less than minimum wage plus tips. There is actually a lower federal minimum wage for restaurant help than there is for other jobs. Tips also depend upon what shift you work and how good you are at your job. You can do a search on-line and find out the information for your state thru the Employment Development Department for your state, it may have a different name where you live.Here is the website for California

  8. $2.13 - $3.38/hour + tips

    if you're wondering about tips, it varies by how much you work and if you get good shifts (dinner) or slow shifts (lunch)

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