
How much do walmart employess get paid?

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how much do walmart employess get paid ?




  1. In Connecticut they start out at minimum wage .

  2. The majority begin at the mimimum wage depending of their state.   A goal is to keep expenses down and one that is controllable is payroll.  All WORLDWIDE businesses have a salary cap that AUTOMATICALLY triggers procedures to creatively terminate employees.

    A Handshake with Sam Walton

    Seven Wal Mart Principles - Samuel Moore Walton


    Protect Human Dignity

    If you want people in the stores to take care of the customers, you have to

    make sure you are taking care of the people in the stores. - Sam Walton

    WAL-MART WILL AGGRESSIVELY WORK to ensure that employees are never mistreated through practices such as illegal firings, "off-the-clock" wage violations,

    intimidation, sexual harassment, violations of child labor laws, or

    discrimination of any sort. And Wal-Mart will justly compensate each associate

    with a family-sustaining wage that will enable the associate to raise a family

    without having to rely on public assistance.


    Ensure Quality and Affordable Health Care Coverage

    create a team spirit when the situation is so one-sided, when

    management gets so much and workers get so little of the pie. - Sam Walton

    WAL-MART WILL SET A NATIONAL EXAMPLE by ensuring that all employees salaried, hourly, full-time, and part-time have quality affordable health insurance that fully covers the employee and their children. To make this commitment to a sound financial investment for the company, Wal-Mart will actively promote full-time employment for its employees and discourage part-time hiring.


    Use Market Power to Improve Supplier Conditions and Wages

    We still want to drive a hard bargain, but now we need to guard against abusing

    our power. - Sam Walton

    TO ENSURE THAT MERCHANDISE in its stores is produced under safe and humane

    conditions, Wal-Mart will require and ensure that foreign and domestic suppliers

    adhere to all internationally recognized labor standards and national laws.

    Furthermore, Wal-Mart will require that suppliers justly compensate their own

    employees to the same standard set forth in this agreement for Wal-Mart



    Enable & Embrace Self Sufficiency

    Maybe the most important way in which we at Wal-Mart believe in giving

    something back is through our commitment to using the power of this enormous

    enterprise as a force for change.- Sam Walton

    BY PAYING A FAMILY-SUSTAINING WAGE, Wal-Mart will ensure that federal, state,

    and local taxpayers are not forced to spend billions of dollars on public

    assistance for Wal-Mart employees. Wal-Mart itself will not seek taxpayer-funded

    subsidies that locally-owned businesses do not receive. And Wal-Mart will not

    pit local communities against each other when selecting sites for Wal-Mart

    stores or other facilities.


    Buy Local First

    For Wal-Mart to maintain its position in the hearts of our customers, we have

    to study more ways we can give something back to our communities. - Sam Walton

    TO DEMONSTRATE ITS COMMITMENT to the communities and countries it serves,

    Wal-Mart will always "Buy Local First." Purchasing local agriculture and manufactured goods strengthens local economies and secures the long-term

    survival of small family-owned farms and other enterprises. And by expanding the

    focus of "Buy Local First" to each country in which it operates, Wal-Mart will

    show a firm commitment to supporting the suppliers in those countries that host

    its stores.


    Keep It Clean

    like to believe that as Wal-Mart continues to thrive and grow, it can come

    to live up to what someone once called us: the Lighthouse of the Ozarks. - Sam


    EVERY STEP IN WAL-MART’S SUPPLY CHAIN will demonstrate sound environmental stewardship. Wal-Mart will partner with local community and environmental leaders to avoid environmental damage and other disruptions caused by the site selection, construction, and operation of any Wal-Mart store or facility. This includes conserving wetlands, animal habitats, and green space, as well as minimizing traffic delays and air pollution. Wal-Mart will also strictly enforce this "Keep it Clean" policy with all of its suppliers, both foreign and



    Prove Worthy of the Public Trust

    As long as we’re managing our company well, as long as we take care of our

    people and our customers, keep our eyes on those fundamentals, we are going to

    be successful. Of course, it takes an observing, discerning person to judge

    those fundamentals for himself.- Sam Walton

    AS THE WORLD’S LARGEST COMPANY and as a global institution in a position of

    great responsibility and trust, Wal-Mart will be open and transparent in its

    dealings with the public, news media, and its own employees. Wal-Mart will

    actively work to demonstrate its dedication to the moral obligations described

    herein, and is committed to documenting and publicizing consistent progress and

    follow-through on all of its public proclamations and initiatives.

  3. Usually they start a little above minimum wage. Then depending on what department you work in you may make a little more. Service departments are at the top of the pay class.

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