
How much do yorkies cost?

by  |  earlier

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would they be more then 700.00 dollars




  1. Probably if you bought it from a BYB who is only in for your big $$$, not the health of the pets.

  2. little to nothing if you adopt

    there the same as anyother dog

  3. Does it matter? you're the one who keeps saying you're rich.

  4. it depends on where you get them and how big they are.  Teacup and toys always cost more because they're bread to be smaller.  Normally $1000-$1200.  Teacups can cost you up to $2400!!!.  But honestly, if you're really interested in getting a yorkie, try an animal rescue for smaller dog breeds.  Do your research because alot of these pet stores get their animals from these things called "puppy mills" which is literally dog slavery..its horrible.  I wouldn't recommend anyone get a dog from there.  If you do get a dog from a breeder, make sure the breeder does not have more than one female and male dog breeding and be sure to ask to see where the dogs are kept.  Hope you get a good one....

  5. Most yorkies cost from $700 to $1200. My friend has a yorkie and the price was around $700 and the price was less because it was bigger than most so you better have cash if you want one.

  6. go to

    i would think there much less at a shelter.

    i hope you adopt one.

  7. Sure, you can find one for $50 and you can find one for $2000.

    The most important thing is that you find one who's parents had their hips tested prior to breeding. Ask them for the hip scores, or see their certificate. Without this, the dog is worth $50. Pay what you want to pay, but don't buy from an irresponsible breeder! Look into adopting.

    MISSY-- TEACUPS are badly bred RUNTS with many health problems!!!

  8. Yorkies run anywhere from $400.00 to $3,500.00. It depends on their background and also if the parents were show dogs.

  9. If you want to spend less consider a Yorkie rescue, there should be one in your state. A pet quality Yorkie from a responsible breeder $750.00 & up.

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