
How much do you REALLY love your horse?

by Guest55944  |  earlier

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Are you one of those people who shares an awesome bond with your horse?

Or do you use your horse like a toy - compete, win ribbons, then let someone else do the work and ignore the horse until its time to compete again?




  1. I dont have a horse but i love all of them soooooo much how bout you.

  2. I absolutely LOVE my horse!!! I love it so much that it hasn't got a name, or shelter, or food and water! I think its a paintbald....or whatever!


  3. I wish I had a horse. I don't though. But the horses I have ridden, I've had special bonds with. I've told them the secrets I only tell my very closest friends, kissed them, groomed them, washed them, fallen off them, cried in their mane, everything. This is why the horses I've ridden are so special to me.

  4. I have about six horses and each of them have something that's stops them from being shown or ridden but i love them all and i am happy that they have a good home where they are love and look after. i had to put my 26 year old Arab gelding down in June but even though i miss him i know it was better than letting him suffer. i am also on standby to help my friends out with there horses so i love all horses and know that a good owner has a back up in cass they are really sick and can't tend to them.

  5. My horse is all of the above. He is my best friend, one I know I can hug and cry on and he'll just listen to me. He's my partner in competition - giving me everything he's got to help us succeed. When in a tight spot, he always does what is needed to make sure I am safe. He's kicked horses and gotten in the way of kicking horses to make sure I am safe. When I got lost on a trail in a storm, he took me home. He is my guardian angel, my second soul, and as much of a love as anything else in my life.

  6. I dont do shows with my mare.

    But i do plan on teaching her to jump. But i know nothing about competing.

    My mare isnt at a stable, she is in my yard lol. Good thing i live in the country.

    I believe i have a strong bond with my mare. She will come to me with out me even having to call her. Follow me around. Trust me around her when she is laying down. I even layed down with her!

    I do all the stuff, including the dirty work.

    I clean her hooves, i groom her for an hour a day, give her treats, ride her, brush her after words, clean poo from pasture.

    Im the youngest in my family (16), and my older sisters just want to ride her. I dont let them, they really dont know what they are doing, and my mare isnt for beginers lol. She will test any one and everyone if you dont feel confident, and havent been riding her for a while. She has to be used to you. gotta love her!

  7. this much:___________________________________... She is my pride and joy! I love my 4 year old mustang mare named Sundancer!

  8. Yes...I've had my horse for three years and he's my best friend. I tell him my secrets, share my food with him, buy him tons of carrots, and all that good stuff. We do shows, I groom him, braid him, wrap his legs, care for his bo-bo's, and ride everyday! I would rather sell everthing I own than sell him.

  9. I dont have a horse but if I did then I would want to take care of it myself. I love taking care of the lesson horses I ride.

  10. no i dont really love horses im more of a people person :)

  11. We have 3 horses, two are mine and one is mums. I love my horses to death! And I can't stand those people who only have a horse to win. I don't compete at the moment but I don't really want to. I have a little, retired pony that I've had since I was 8, I could never part with him! So YES  I DO really love my horse!

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