
How much do you believe in a psychic’s prediction, people like Sylvia Browne?

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If you actually went for a reading and charging for a ridiculous sky-rocket prices? Do they actually come true?




  1. Not at all.  Sylvia Browne has such a horrid accuracy record it's not funny.  When she is right it is because she was so general in her prediction that it could happen at any time and anywhere in the workd.  She claims to have helped solve a lot of police cases but there are NO police departments or policemen that will back up those claims.  She is a fraud.

  2. Like this web-site, it's for entertainment only.

  3. ~~~ Sylvia Browne is a [Bad Word]! They all are. They're only in it for the money and couldn't care less about helping people who come to them in desperation. I'm sorry to be so blunt,but it's the truth. ~~~

  4. I  have watched ms. brown for a long time.... I still do.The only thing that bothers me is she seems now to give the same answers,and she's been frequently wrong over the years on her predictions.But who is always right?I also contacted her on a young woman who is still missing in our county,and at 400.00 dollars an hour I felt horrible I didn't have the money to help!Theres a 75,000.00 dollar reward out for any help.You'd think she would of least helped her devastated parents for that much.all the real ones don't charge and I pray haunting evidence will see this and help....! thanks for posting this question. Blessed be

  5. I listen to what they say and believe I am hearing what they say for a reason. I don't like Sylvia Browne. Mary Occhino who has a show on Sirius is amazing. You can call her show for free, you can't hear the show unless you have sirius though. You can ask her anything

  6. I believe Sylvia Brown has more going for her then a lot of the others. She claims she ask Gods favor in filtering out anything he doesn't want her to receive. She also states she is a channel for him which makes it much more believable to me. The truth of the matter is she deals a lot with murders, lost loved ones, and Angels. I have heard her make predictions where she was wrong also. But never have I heard her say it was of her own ability to do this. like most all the others like John Edwards. She also helps the police solve most of their crimes with a higher success rate, compared to others. I'm a true believer in God and believe if we ask of him we will receive. Other then that i guess its up to each one to believe or not. My mother years a ago was given a Tarot Card reading by her aunt which was right on the head. Even though it involved myself having a tumor, and being hospitalized for a year , and having a plastic jaw put in as she had described to my mother at the time, and my mother never saying anything till it was all over. I question it myself. Its suppose to be works of Satan. But I believe as I had stated earlier, and still have reservations about the whole thing. Most do charge for their readings , but I've heard her say she will get a number from you so she can call you. It will be interesting reading the answers you receive. Good Luck!

  7. If they can't tell me the exact date and time that something is supposed to happen I will never believe them. Every psychic has a 50% chance of telling someones fortune, because they don't give you any exact details.

  8. My answer is I don't know since there is not enough information to even form an opinion or a belief. I believe people may have this ability but not at 100% accuracy.

    In the case of Sylvia Browne skeptics only posts her failures and believers only post her hits.

    To the best of my knowledge no one has to date actually attempted to define what information would be considered a miss and what might be considered a hit and then actually study her entire record of predictions.

    Certainly some personal predictions could come true like a self fulfilling prophecy. Perhaps they go ahead and move to take that new job (that they asked her about) and in having a positive outlook the move and new job did turn out to be a good thing.

  9. Many of them are fake but many of them are genuine. You just have to look for the percentage record. Sylvia Brown has a real good record. There are time even she will be wrong. We all are at times about even simpler stuff.If I had someone missing, I would eagerly ask for her help. Her help would be better then nothing and physics have helped the police for many years.

  10. I don't think psychics are omniscent like God. I think they have a higher level of intuition than most people and they are operating on a level beyond nature as we know it.

    Sylvia may be psychic, I don't know. My mother lost her husband this past summer and asked her on Montel's show if he had anything he wanted to say to her and Sylvia said "He'll call you." Well my step-father was never a phone person when he was alive and I sure a heck don't think my mom is going to get a phone call from him.

    The sago mine controversy that Sylvia was involved in during the Coast to Coast AM show was proof that psychic powers are not 100% foolproof, I was listening to that show live when she messed up. It would have been better for her to admit she made an inaccurate predicition rather than try to beat around the bush. Sometimes psychics feel a need to protect their credibility and end up hurting it in the end.

    I've read Sylvia's books and I think she has a gift, but not as spectacular and perfect as she would want everyone to believe. Don't forget, psychics are business people more often than they are paranormal humans.

  11. Not at all.  I had read a book of hers where she had predicted things to happen.  None of them ever did.  

    So right there is negative proof of her own making...

  12. The price of the reading does not indicate any authenticity as to the quality of the reading.

    For example, if you pay $1000 and wait 1 year to talk to a famous psychic, it doesn't mean that she will be any more accurate then paying $10 to someone at the local fair.

    HOWEVER, it does reveal their motivations. What do you think is the driving force when a psychic charges an enormous amount of money to the average joe who is in emotional pain over an event in their life??? It tells me they are out for the money and not really interested in helping joe.

    There are a lot of people in this world with genuine abilitities and who use them to help make the world a better place.

    Sylvia Browne is NOT one of them.

    I hope that helps.


  13. If your jury is out on this woman, see the link. has been featured on CNN and Fox News.

    And to the others that claim they have paranormal ability, talk is cheap. Anyone can "say" they are psychic.

    Can't one of you win the James Randi Challenge? Win a million bucks for you or a charity and prove to the world that psychics can do what they claim. Ms. Browne stated on national TV in 2001 that she would. Randi is still waiting.

  14. I have psychic gifts, so I believe strongly in them, that there are people out there who do have geniune gifts and make geniune predictions. But I loathe the ones who charge outrageous prices like that. I don't and won't ever go to one of those. If they do come true, I'd be surprised. Sylvia Browne is a crock. I don't like her, and that's one of the reasons why. there is just something fishy about her charging $500 for a psychic reading.

  15. Even if psychic abilities are possible, Sylvia Browne is a fraud and a criminal.  I challenge anyone to provide any sort of evidence she is anything but.

  16. zero

  17. not at all

  18. con artists, it's all about $$$

  19. none

  20. If their gift is from God...then I don't understand why only the rich can get help from psychics. If I were one...I think I'd be more like the one on Ghost Whisperers...have a job on the side.

  21. James Randi has spent some time debunking this lady.  You will see how she is just plain mean in some cases and regularly lies.  Randi has a day counter for keeping track of how long it's been since he personally offered her a million dollars if she could demonstrate her claimed abilities under controlled conditions. (And she agreed on the Larry King show.)   (Who said learning isn't fun?)

    Jeezs, people, the woman is a fraud.  She is a consummate liar and ruthless con artist.  I would think even those who really believe in this stuff would shun her since she is so obviously fake.  Or don't you care?  And no, she does not have a successful record.  In fact, most skilled cold readers or mentalists  who do it for entertainment, are better than she is.  They're fakes, too, but that is understood between them and their audiences.  It's a mental "magic" show--just illusion and deception.

    Numerous believers here seem to want to waffle about this.  It's not a matter of us and them, as psiexploration would have you believe and the only way the jury would be out on this crook is if they're asleep.  Go see some of the videos that James Randi and others have posted.  They're not his opinion, they're *her* in action.

  22. Psychics are never 100% right

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